We Welcome You
Tri-City Church of God
Who is The Church of God?
The Tri-City Church of God is a congregation of people who believe and live by the Bible. We have no earthly headquarters; our only Head is Jesus Christ, who directs His Church from heaven. We are part of the Church that Jesus built back in the first century AD, when he told His disciples,
“...upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it!”
Come and See!
We are everyday people, and welcome all who seek to serve Him with their whole heart. Come and see for yourself that God’s Church — yes, the same one that Jesus built in the early first century AD — is still alive and well in our times!
Schedule of Services
Sunday Services
Sunday School 9:30 am
Morning Worship 10:30 am* Evening Worship 6:00 pm*
* Broadcast Live
Prayer Service
Wednesday 7:00 pm
Special Meetings
Spring Revival
Fall Revival
Fall Fellowship Meeting